Helping Fidelity National Financial introduce a strategic customer insights program

About the project

Company: Fidelity National Financial

Client: Brian Maughan, Chief Marketing Officer

In the client’s own words

What was the question or problem that caused you to decide to look for outside research assistance?

FNF needed a systematic method to provide the organization with strategic insights and actionable recommendations regarding the behaviors, opinions, and preferences related to technology products and content of customers, clients, and employees.

Why did you decide to work with Llewyn Paine Consulting, LLC over another provider?

We selected Llewyn because of her focused client engagement approach, expert credentials and background, and enterprise experience in customer research.

How did Llewyn Paine Consulting, LLC help you address your question or problem?.

We have significantly improved our customer research method through a series of structured working sessions that challenged us to change our mindset and approach. The working sessions allowed us to practice, learn, explore and think differently regarding customer research. In addition, Llewyn shared best practices that we could immediately implement. With Llewyn's expertise and guidance, we continue to improve as we find the best solutions for our industry and organization.

What was the impact of this work?

We have a scalable framework wherein we can standardize the approach to our research which results in meaningful and consistent data collection and reporting for the organization.

Is there a metric you can share to help quantify this impact (e.g., time/dollars saved, number/percentage of resources redirected, etc.)?

We do not have a specific metric, but we know that the work with Llewyn has fast-tracked our research and collection processes and put us years ahead of going through this process on our own. In addition, because of our work with Llewyn, we have invested in senior positions that will focus on customer-centered research and discovery. As a result, I am confident that we will create solutions that reflect the needs and priorities of our customers.