Training Fidelity National Financial employees in customer research methods


Company: Fidelity National Financial

Client: Tammy Strickland, Vice President of Customer Research & Discovery

Project: Conducting research training workshops at Fidelity National Financial

In the client’s own words

Why did you decide to have Llewyn conduct research training working sessions at Fidelity?

We knew that we wanted to have more data collection across the organization, but Fidelity did not want to create this huge infrastructure for research.  We have very talented individuals that work closely with customers and our employees that would be ideal for introducing a more data-driven approach to the organization.

What we were able to do through the working sessions was to take individuals within the company, train them, and make them pretty self-sufficient at conducting surveys and interviews.

That’s very important because it's not creating a relationship of dependency on someone else.  Through training and coaching, we’ve created this infrastructure with existing people in our organization who are familiar with our processes and systems, but who are also starting to understand research.  And that is just ideal.

What was the impact of that work?

Two of the working session participants conducted several interviews and surveys.  If they had tried to do that without having a framework, there would have been a learning curve.  We’d be re-surveying and re-interviewing, and people would get tired of that because they've got full-time jobs.

Having a framework absolutely saved us a great deal of time, and thus saved us money.  We were able to find out everything we needed in one shot, and we didn't have to go back and get clarification.  That’s huge because it’s not going to happen organically.